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Discover your DISC profile and benefit from personalized, one-to-one coaching with Élodie Bancelin, a professional coach, trainer and author of the book "Pourquoi on ne se comprend pas?" ("Why don't we understand each other?") published by Editions Larousse.
She'll explain (in French) what the DISC method is, what your profile says about you, how to interpret your results and how to use them in your daily professional and personal life.
To make an appointment, please write to us using the contact form (below) and simply ask about the "DISC 1 to 1 Profile Debriefing" offer.
- A one-and-a-half-hour long personalized debriefing (in French)
- The Force4DISC test
- A 24-pages report
- A memento leaflet
- A signed copy of the book
2 / You share them with any interested parties
3 / They can then create an account allowing them to use their credit and take the test
4 / They then receive a personal copy of their results
2 / You assign the tests to your chosen candidates
3 / They access their tests directly
4 / You receive a copy of their results and can debrief with them individually
- a digital report, accessible at the end of the test, like these examples
- a PDF report to download from our website, via your personal account presented like these examples
- Ordering credits/tests (manual)
- Assigning tests to your clients (manual)
- Creating workbooks to group profiles together (manual)
- Ordering in bulk
- Along with many more answers to your questions...